Comments on TripleThink


1 Comment.


The Lord Sto Odin then performed the trick which changed human history
for many centuries to come and, in so doing, exploded an enormous
cavern in the vitals of the Earth.

He used one of the most secret ruses of the Instrumentality.

He triple-thought.

Only a few very adept persons could triple-think, when they were given
every possible chance of training. Fortunately for mankind, the Lord
Sto Odin had been one of the successful ones.

He set three systems of thought into action. At the top level he
behaved rationally as he explored the old room; at a lower level of his
mind he planned a wild surprise for the dancer with the congo helium
But at the third, lowest level, he decided what he must do in the time
of a single blink and trusted his autonomic nervous system to carry out
the rest.

z 2019-01-28 15:12 UTC</div>